
Kaitlyn taking a plum break.

Prince Charming

Prince Charming
Josh trying on his Easter suit.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First blog

On Kaitlyn's first birthday I thought, how cool would it have been to blog about her first year and having a 17 month old too? Then I thought, well, I can blog daily of her second year. Then her and I got sick with pneumonia and I got side tracked. So today is the first day of her second year (in blog years). HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAITLYN!

My goal is to blog a little every day about life with two young kids. I know, it's been done before, but not by me.

As I said in my opening line, we've been sick with pneumonia. I took Kaitlyn for a re-check with her primary and she's still got a bit of congestion, but she's doing well. I need to give her the antibotic that is just riping her little tummy to pieces for the next few days. As soon as she's better I need to take her back to get her 12 month shots (poor little girl, she's not getting a break is she?).

I'm still coughing from my bout of pneumonia, but at least I'm back to work and have my energy back.

Now all I need is for Kaitlyn to start feeling better and sleeping through the night again. She's been waking up 3 to 4 times a night since she's gotten sick. I'm really tired, but I know it'll get better soon.

I love you Miss Priss!!!

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