
Kaitlyn taking a plum break.

Prince Charming

Prince Charming
Josh trying on his Easter suit.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Picture day

Today was picture day for Miss Kaitlyn. She was up numerous times last night, so I thought she was going to be a bear, but it was actually Josh who didn't want to cooperate at the right times.

Pictures were at 12pm. Kaitlyn had a nap and was ready to go. And go did she! She did not want to stand still or sit still for photos. It was hard catching her being still, but my favorite picture was the one of her looking at a book. Adorable! We got a family picture and pictures of Josh and Kaitlyn together. They turned out great over all.

The kids took a nap when we got home and so did I! After they got up the 3 of us went to WalMart for cereal and a few staples. I ended up wowing the cashier with my cereal purchase. I priced match the cereal for $2 each and then I had $1 off coupons for 5 and a free box for the 6th. I bought all Rice Crispy cereal since Josh and Kaitlyn have been enjoying it.

Dinner was shortly after we got home and then it was bath time. Jason got Kaitlyn down and now he's with Josh. I need to check on laundry and get our bed put back together.

Tomorrow brings a new day and lots going on. Appointment for me and hopefully one for Josh. He's having problems and I want to get him checked out. Maybe I can get the kids their flu shots and Kaitlyn her 12 month shots. I wonder if I can get a flu shot while I'm there? It won't hurt to ask.

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