
Kaitlyn taking a plum break.

Prince Charming

Prince Charming
Josh trying on his Easter suit.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Boring Thursday

Well, Josh slept through the night finally. I think he was waking up in middle of the night hungry, so he ate 2 bowls of cereal last night for dinner and he slept the whole night! Kaitlyn on the other hand woke up about 4 times. Thankfully Jason rocked her to sleep so I could get some sleep. I got up the other times in middle of the night.

I got the kids ready for school and when we got there I took Kaitlyn to the 1 year old room and asked if she was to stay there or go to the infant room. They said she could stay there. My baby's growing up!!! She LOVES it in the 1 year old room. She just took off and didn't look back. She went to the table where some kids were sitting and checked out what they were doing, then she went and got some toys and was just all over. It's nice that she doesn't cry like Josh does. To this day, he still cries when we drop him off. It breaks my heart every day! I know he has fun and he knows we'll be back for him, but he just doesn't want us to go.

When I picked them up this afternoon Kaitlyn was in the infant room and Josh was in the 1 year old room. I got Josh and we went to get Kaitlyn. He saw her sitting in a high chair and he said "There she is! Hi Baby!" The teachers all thought that was so sweet.

We got in the car and Josh said he wanted to go see Dr. C. I asked him if his ear hurts (Dr. Chicola is the ENT) and all he would do is cry, "Dr. C. Dr. C." Then it was "Dr. Page" (their doctor). I told him we could go see Dr. C. next month. Then he saw a tractor and that was the end of Dr. C and Dr. Page.

Dinner was not too much fun. The kids didn't want leftovers. I finally got Kaitlyn to eat some oatmeal and Josh some cereal. Then he wanted her oatmeal, so they shared. Then I gave up and let them play. Right before bath time I got them to eat some mandarin oranges, so they should be sort of full for bed.

Bath time was quick, Kaitlyn was in and out, like her usual self. Josh wanted out after Baby got out. I got p.j.'s on and then got a bottle for Kaitlyn. I tried rocking her in the living room, but the tv was on and she wanted no part of sleeping, so off to the bedroom we went. I ended up putting her in the crib with her bottle (I know, this is how ear infections happen).

Josh and I watched Monkey (Dunston Checks In) until 730pm and then it was off to bed for him. I think he fell asleep before 8pm and now I'm ready for bed. I got the dish washer going and the bumper in the dryer. The house looks like a tornado struck, but I don't care! I'll worry about that this weekend.

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