It seems as though potty training is going well for Josh. He has been in his BVD's all day at school for a few weeks now. They said there was only 1 day last week where he had an accident at naptime, but he was wearing a pull up, so it wasn't a big deal. He likes to wear his pull up in the car and as soon as we get to school he wants to go to the "big kid" classroom and use the potty there and then put on his BVD's. I'm thinking of telling him that once these pull ups are done that there's no more and he has to wear BVD's all the time at the house. Let's see how that goes.
Kaitlyn is also very interested in potty training. I can hardly keep a diaper on her these days. I'll be walking through the house and see a diaper in the hallway. Then I must go track down a naked baby and try and get her to put it back on. If she's not in the living room I look in the bathroom. She's usually sitting on her little potty trying to be a big girl! She still hasn't gone on the potty, but I'm thinking as soon as she does, she'll be VERY easy to train.
Kaitlyn has totally turned into a mommy's girl. She wants me all the time! This is pretty good since up until now it's always been Daddy!!! But Daddy's starting to feel sad because his little girl doesn't want him all the time. :o(
The cutest thing the kids are doing is Josh is trying to teach Kaitlyn words. His last attempt was this past weekend and he was trying to teach her the colors! She'll call everything Yellow. Well, Josh will say, "That's not yellow, that's (insert color here)." She had a brown marker the other day and was saying "yellow". Josh says "No baby, that's not yellow that's brown. Say brown baby. Brown. Say it, say brown." Then he looks at me and says, "Mommy, baby doesn't say brown". It's very cute!
Last weekend we had "Movie Night" on Friday. We ordered pizza and then got the kids changed into their pj's and got out the blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals and spread it all out in the living room. We watched about 3 movies before Josh finally fell asleep. Kaitlyn stayed up until 830pm. We finally had to take her to bed because she started pushing Josh. He was laughing when she did it, but I didn't want them to get all riled up. Jason took her to her room and he said she passed out in his arms! Josh stayed awake until 10pm and then we let him sleep in the living room. I had wanted to move him, but Jason convinced me to let him stay where he was. This was great until 5am when he woke up and wanted to stay up. All in all, it was a fun night, but not something we're going to do every weekend. Maybe every few months we'll do it.
Kaitlyn's birthday's coming up soon. Her and I went shopping for some party supplies. I'm having second thoughts on the cake, only because the picture I have is made with fondant. I'm thinking of just using icing. I probably won't decide until the last minute what I'll do. I love the picture of the cake and hope it turns out all great. I'll post pictures when it's all done.