This was one of the best Christmas' I've ever experienced. The kids were so excited about Santa Claus and the whole Christmas theme this year. It first started off with Josh asking why are house wasn't all decorated outside like Cam's, the neighbor, so off we went to buy some outdoor decorations. Our pitiful amount was just great for Josh (I bought more the day after Christmas for next year). Kaitlyn was excited because Brother was excited. She understood some of it and recognized Santa, but I don't really think she understood what was going to happen.
Since Uncle Cary was staying with us and his room is where we were stashing presents until the time came to put them under the tree, we didn't have any presents out for the kids to go crazy over. Well, on Dec. 23rd we needed the space for Cary and his dogs, so it was decided that the presents would go under the tree. BIG MISTAKE! Josh and Kaitlyn woke up the next morning thinking Santa came and they wanted to open presents. It took them 1 hour to finally tear into a present. Thank goodness it was only clothes. I gathered up the remaining presents and threw them into our bedroom and shut the door.
Judy came over a few hours later to help decorate Christmas cookies for Santa. She iced for Kaitlyn and I iced for Josh. They added the sprinkles! I think by the time we were done there were more sprinkles on the floor than on the cookies, but we all had fun and that's what counts.
The next morning Josh woke up at 4am and Jason was still up since he was BBQing for lunch. He asked Josh if he wanted to see what Santa brought him, so of course Josh said YES! Santa doesn't wrap presents, so Josh played with his new Woody and Rex toys while the rest of us slept. Kaitlyn woke up at 630am and Josh went and got her and asked if she wanted to see what Santa brought her and she said YES! She got a tricycle and baby dolls, so she was in heaven. They played with the toys Santa brought and they each opened 1 present and then waited until everyone else got there around 10am. Then it was a toystore gone crazy!!! They both got so many toys they didn't know what to do. I convinced Josh to open more presents and then we'd open the boxes after that. I think his favorite toy was Evil Pork Chop, or the flying pig from Toy Store 3. He will spend an hour at a time playing with that toy!!! We've set Kaitlyn up in the hallway with her baby dolls and she's very happy playing with them.
Since I had yesterday off I decided to take down the Christmas tree so the kids had more room to play, but when Josh found out I took the tree down he was very disappointed. I didn't mean to upset him and didn't realize he would miss the tree that much, but he was very sad that it wasn't up any more. We might have to leave the lights up outside until everyone else in the neighborhood takes theirs down so I don't disappoint him anymore.
All in all, this was a great Christmas and I look forward to many more to come!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat lasted 3 days at our house. Jason left Thursday to go to Atlantic City to see Phish in concert, so that left me home alone for the 2nd year in a row to Trick or Treat. I figured we'd just do Trunk or Treat like last year, but that wasn't what happened.
Our weekend started by going downtown Pensacola to Trick or Treat at the local businesses. My inlaws met me downtown to help out. This was great. I coached the kids on the way downtown on what to say and when; Trick or Treat to get candy, Thank you after you got it. I told Josh he couldn't be shy or he wouldn't get any candy. They got a good amount and had a great time. Kaitlyn was a cheerleader and Josh was Buzz Lightyear.
Saturday the I took the kids to Barnes and Noble for story time and they dresses up as a patient (Kaitlyn) and Spiderman (Josh). We also stopped at the library before hand and they got a little bag of treats there. Also, we stopped at Target and I picked up a horse costume for Kaitlyn since she won't wear her Minnie Mouse dress she insisted on having. She agreed that she would wear the horse outfit. Saturday night I saw our neighbors outside dressed up and I asked if they were going out and they said yes and wanted to know if we wanted to come along. I said sure and got the kids ready. Josh wanted to be Buzz Lightyear and Kaitlyn was going to be in the horse outfit. They had a great time and got lots of candy.
Sunday rolls around and we decide just to go around the neighborhood. Josh was a Transformer and Kaitlyn wanted to be Minnie Mouse, but she wouldn't put on the dress, so I found some pj's that had Minnie Mouse on them and she wanted to wear them. They got a TON of candy from the neighborhood. We got home and left the light on, but only had a few trick or treaters, so I turned off the light and proceeded to get the kids ready for bed. About 745pm I noticed some cars outside and there were a load of kids running across lawns. I was shocked, but decided that since the kids were playing so well I wouldn't bother turning the lights on so they could hand out candy.
We had a great weekend and the kids learned how to play well together. Josh loves to play Spaceship and will order Kaitlyn around to get things for the space ship. This will continue only until Kaitlyn starts to realize 1) I don't want to play spaceship and 2) she gets more words in her vocab to tell Josh, no, you go get the toys!
Hopefully Daddy will be around next year to enjoy the festivities!
Our weekend started by going downtown Pensacola to Trick or Treat at the local businesses. My inlaws met me downtown to help out. This was great. I coached the kids on the way downtown on what to say and when; Trick or Treat to get candy, Thank you after you got it. I told Josh he couldn't be shy or he wouldn't get any candy. They got a good amount and had a great time. Kaitlyn was a cheerleader and Josh was Buzz Lightyear.
Saturday the I took the kids to Barnes and Noble for story time and they dresses up as a patient (Kaitlyn) and Spiderman (Josh). We also stopped at the library before hand and they got a little bag of treats there. Also, we stopped at Target and I picked up a horse costume for Kaitlyn since she won't wear her Minnie Mouse dress she insisted on having. She agreed that she would wear the horse outfit. Saturday night I saw our neighbors outside dressed up and I asked if they were going out and they said yes and wanted to know if we wanted to come along. I said sure and got the kids ready. Josh wanted to be Buzz Lightyear and Kaitlyn was going to be in the horse outfit. They had a great time and got lots of candy.
Sunday rolls around and we decide just to go around the neighborhood. Josh was a Transformer and Kaitlyn wanted to be Minnie Mouse, but she wouldn't put on the dress, so I found some pj's that had Minnie Mouse on them and she wanted to wear them. They got a TON of candy from the neighborhood. We got home and left the light on, but only had a few trick or treaters, so I turned off the light and proceeded to get the kids ready for bed. About 745pm I noticed some cars outside and there were a load of kids running across lawns. I was shocked, but decided that since the kids were playing so well I wouldn't bother turning the lights on so they could hand out candy.
We had a great weekend and the kids learned how to play well together. Josh loves to play Spaceship and will order Kaitlyn around to get things for the space ship. This will continue only until Kaitlyn starts to realize 1) I don't want to play spaceship and 2) she gets more words in her vocab to tell Josh, no, you go get the toys!
Hopefully Daddy will be around next year to enjoy the festivities!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Kaitlyn's pictures
Well Josh and Kaitlyn had their school pictures taken at the beginning of the month and they turned out great! Josh looks so grown up in his picture! Kaitlyn was so adorable with her piggy tails. I can't wait to get the one of them together.
This past weekend Kaitlyn had a photo shoot. My friend Katy came over and us girls went out on the town. We ended up driving around most of the time, so we're going to go out again to get more pictures done. She did get some great shots of Kaitlyn and we're going to meet up again on Thursday to get pictures of the kids together in a patch of pumpkins.
We're still trying to decide what the kids are going to be for Halloween. Josh keeps changing his mind and is either going to be Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman, or Superman. Katilyn wants to be Minnie Mouse (her idol), but she won't put the dress on. We'll see what the day brings us on Trick or Treating night.
This past weekend Kaitlyn had a photo shoot. My friend Katy came over and us girls went out on the town. We ended up driving around most of the time, so we're going to go out again to get more pictures done. She did get some great shots of Kaitlyn and we're going to meet up again on Thursday to get pictures of the kids together in a patch of pumpkins.
We're still trying to decide what the kids are going to be for Halloween. Josh keeps changing his mind and is either going to be Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman, or Superman. Katilyn wants to be Minnie Mouse (her idol), but she won't put the dress on. We'll see what the day brings us on Trick or Treating night.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
No more bottles
Well, I think I can safely say Kaitlyn in broken of her bottle habit. She will still ask for one every couple of days, but then I show her the empty cabinet and she's fine with it, she'll take a sippy cup. She did find one under her bed that had been there for awhile, but I told her to go throw it away and she took it to the kitchen sink. After looking at it, I threw it away!
Now, potty training time! She's been taking her diaper off and going and sitting on the potty. She's gone a few times, but I'm thinking of getting her Pull-Ups. Of course, I just bought a case of 175 diapers. I guess she can still use them at night time.
I'm not sure if it's the full moon or just siblings "loving" each other, but they have been fighting like cats and dogs lately. That mixed with both kids getting up in middle of the night, I've lost most of my patience. I'm trying to get it back, but it's really hard, especially since I'm sick too.
Now, potty training time! She's been taking her diaper off and going and sitting on the potty. She's gone a few times, but I'm thinking of getting her Pull-Ups. Of course, I just bought a case of 175 diapers. I guess she can still use them at night time.
I'm not sure if it's the full moon or just siblings "loving" each other, but they have been fighting like cats and dogs lately. That mixed with both kids getting up in middle of the night, I've lost most of my patience. I'm trying to get it back, but it's really hard, especially since I'm sick too.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Kaitlyn's party
Kaitlyn had a WONDERFUL birthday party! Josh was so proud of her Minnie Mouse cake that he had to show it off as everyone came in. He wanted to eat the cut outs of Minnie Mouse and didn't want to share.
Kaitlyn got a lot of clothes and shoes!!!! She got an outfit that included a hat, so she had to wear that and then she put on a pair of shoes a size too big, but she HAD to wear them. Then she opened the present from her cousins and saw the Minnie Mouse sippy cup and that was it, the party could have ended. She grabbed that cup and had to have chocolate milk. She got a stuffed Minnie Mouse from her Aunt JenJen and she carried her around too. I would say it was a good birthday for her.
Her and Josh got to stay with Nana this past weekend while daddy and I went to a Sooners game with Justin and Grand dad. We had a great time, but I realize vacations without the kids won't be happening too much any more. I missed them like you wouldn't believe. We got Kaitlyn a cheerleaders dress and Josh a hooded jacket. They both loved their presents. We got Kaitlyn to say OU for the first time! It came out OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU. So sweet!!!!
On a different note, I went and picked the kids up from school yesterday and Miss Amber told me Kaitlyn went pee pee on the potty yesterday!!!!! This was a first for her and I'm so proud of her. We keep working with her at home and I know she'll pick it up quickly.
My little babes are growing up!!!!
Love you both!
Kaitlyn got a lot of clothes and shoes!!!! She got an outfit that included a hat, so she had to wear that and then she put on a pair of shoes a size too big, but she HAD to wear them. Then she opened the present from her cousins and saw the Minnie Mouse sippy cup and that was it, the party could have ended. She grabbed that cup and had to have chocolate milk. She got a stuffed Minnie Mouse from her Aunt JenJen and she carried her around too. I would say it was a good birthday for her.
Her and Josh got to stay with Nana this past weekend while daddy and I went to a Sooners game with Justin and Grand dad. We had a great time, but I realize vacations without the kids won't be happening too much any more. I missed them like you wouldn't believe. We got Kaitlyn a cheerleaders dress and Josh a hooded jacket. They both loved their presents. We got Kaitlyn to say OU for the first time! It came out OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU. So sweet!!!!
On a different note, I went and picked the kids up from school yesterday and Miss Amber told me Kaitlyn went pee pee on the potty yesterday!!!!! This was a first for her and I'm so proud of her. We keep working with her at home and I know she'll pick it up quickly.
My little babes are growing up!!!!
Love you both!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!
Yesterday Kaitlyn turned 2! What a day for my little girl. We started off the day by going to Wal-Mart and buying cupcakes to take to school. We got home and she wanted to eat one so bad. I ended up giving her cereal and told her we could have one that night after dinner.
Next she went to the doctor for her check up. She weighs 23 pounds and is 32.5 inches tall. This means she'll be about 5'5" when she becomes an adult. I guess my kids got the short gene. Darn!
The doctor fell in love with her. I had her hair up in piggy tails and her ladybug dress that Nana made for her. She was so adorable!!!
She made it through school and daddy picked her and brother up and came home. Daddy decided we needed to go out to eat to celebrate so we went to Chic-Filet. The kids ate a little and played then it was off for ice cream!
They each got a scoop and ate most of it and then it was off to Target to wear off some energy. We walked around looking at clothes, toys and bedding. Kaitlyn will be moving to the big girl bed next weekend! We're still trying to decide what theme her room should be.
It was a little after 8pm when we got home, but she wasn't ready for bed, so we let them watch the Backyardagins. After that it was bed time!
Josh sang Happy Birthday to his sister and helped open her presents. The cute thing was Kaitlyn was trying to sign along, but just couldn't get the words out. What a sweet heart!
I hope you had a wonderful day!
Mommy, Daddy, and Joshy all love you!
Next she went to the doctor for her check up. She weighs 23 pounds and is 32.5 inches tall. This means she'll be about 5'5" when she becomes an adult. I guess my kids got the short gene. Darn!
The doctor fell in love with her. I had her hair up in piggy tails and her ladybug dress that Nana made for her. She was so adorable!!!
She made it through school and daddy picked her and brother up and came home. Daddy decided we needed to go out to eat to celebrate so we went to Chic-Filet. The kids ate a little and played then it was off for ice cream!
They each got a scoop and ate most of it and then it was off to Target to wear off some energy. We walked around looking at clothes, toys and bedding. Kaitlyn will be moving to the big girl bed next weekend! We're still trying to decide what theme her room should be.
It was a little after 8pm when we got home, but she wasn't ready for bed, so we let them watch the Backyardagins. After that it was bed time!
Josh sang Happy Birthday to his sister and helped open her presents. The cute thing was Kaitlyn was trying to sign along, but just couldn't get the words out. What a sweet heart!
I hope you had a wonderful day!
Mommy, Daddy, and Joshy all love you!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Potty training

It seems as though potty training is going well for Josh. He has been in his BVD's all day at school for a few weeks now. They said there was only 1 day last week where he had an accident at naptime, but he was wearing a pull up, so it wasn't a big deal. He likes to wear his pull up in the car and as soon as we get to school he wants to go to the "big kid" classroom and use the potty there and then put on his BVD's. I'm thinking of telling him that once these pull ups are done that there's no more and he has to wear BVD's all the time at the house. Let's see how that goes.
Kaitlyn is also very interested in potty training. I can hardly keep a diaper on her these days. I'll be walking through the house and see a diaper in the hallway. Then I must go track down a naked baby and try and get her to put it back on. If she's not in the living room I look in the bathroom. She's usually sitting on her little potty trying to be a big girl! She still hasn't gone on the potty, but I'm thinking as soon as she does, she'll be VERY easy to train.
Kaitlyn has totally turned into a mommy's girl. She wants me all the time! This is pretty good since up until now it's always been Daddy!!! But Daddy's starting to feel sad because his little girl doesn't want him all the time. :o(
The cutest thing the kids are doing is Josh is trying to teach Kaitlyn words. His last attempt was this past weekend and he was trying to teach her the colors! She'll call everything Yellow. Well, Josh will say, "That's not yellow, that's (insert color here)." She had a brown marker the other day and was saying "yellow". Josh says "No baby, that's not yellow that's brown. Say brown baby. Brown. Say it, say brown." Then he looks at me and says, "Mommy, baby doesn't say brown". It's very cute!
Last weekend we had "Movie Night" on Friday. We ordered pizza and then got the kids changed into their pj's and got out the blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals and spread it all out in the living room. We watched about 3 movies before Josh finally fell asleep. Kaitlyn stayed up until 830pm. We finally had to take her to bed because she started pushing Josh. He was laughing when she did it, but I didn't want them to get all riled up. Jason took her to her room and he said she passed out in his arms! Josh stayed awake until 10pm and then we let him sleep in the living room. I had wanted to move him, but Jason convinced me to let him stay where he was. This was great until 5am when he woke up and wanted to stay up. All in all, it was a fun night, but not something we're going to do every weekend. Maybe every few months we'll do it.
Kaitlyn's birthday's coming up soon. Her and I went shopping for some party supplies. I'm having second thoughts on the cake, only because the picture I have is made with fondant. I'm thinking of just using icing. I probably won't decide until the last minute what I'll do. I love the picture of the cake and hope it turns out all great. I'll post pictures when it's all done.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Dog Days of Summer
Summer is here and it's HOT! The "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" has lost most of it's appeal, but the swimming pool has not. We try to let the kids play in the pool as much as they want to, but some days it's just too hot, even in the water.
Justin and Abby came up last week for a visit. Josh and Kaitlyn got to play with Abby on Wednesday night. They had such a good time I called Judy on Thursday and asked if we could come back over and she went to pick up the kids. We had a great visit and I know the kids had a good time.
Kaitlyn is starting to talk more. She's very independant, which is good for the most part. She prefers a "big girl" cup to a sippy cup, but she still insists on a bottle at nap time and bed time. I'm thinking of telling her when she turns 2 that she has to throw the bottles away when she's done and when they're gone, they're gone.
I started planning her birthday. We're going with a Minnie Mouse theme! I found a great cake online that I want to try and make for her. I showed the picture to Josh and he said "Mickey Mouse". I showed Kaitlyn and asked her if she liked it and she said, "Yes"!
We've been really working on the potty training with Josh lately. He likes wearing his BVD's and Kaitlyn's been wanting to wear some over her diaper, so I went out and bought her some girl panties to wear. She gets a kick out of wearing them. I'm hoping one day soon she'll catch on to the whole potty training thing and be done with diapers.
Justin and Abby came up last week for a visit. Josh and Kaitlyn got to play with Abby on Wednesday night. They had such a good time I called Judy on Thursday and asked if we could come back over and she went to pick up the kids. We had a great visit and I know the kids had a good time.
Kaitlyn is starting to talk more. She's very independant, which is good for the most part. She prefers a "big girl" cup to a sippy cup, but she still insists on a bottle at nap time and bed time. I'm thinking of telling her when she turns 2 that she has to throw the bottles away when she's done and when they're gone, they're gone.
I started planning her birthday. We're going with a Minnie Mouse theme! I found a great cake online that I want to try and make for her. I showed the picture to Josh and he said "Mickey Mouse". I showed Kaitlyn and asked her if she liked it and she said, "Yes"!
We've been really working on the potty training with Josh lately. He likes wearing his BVD's and Kaitlyn's been wanting to wear some over her diaper, so I went out and bought her some girl panties to wear. She gets a kick out of wearing them. I'm hoping one day soon she'll catch on to the whole potty training thing and be done with diapers.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Memorial Day weekend
Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend. It wasn't supposed to rain. Doesn't God know that it's just cruel and evil to make it rain on a 3 day weekend when you have young children? We were planning on a weekend where the kids were going to spend a lot of time outdoors. They got about 1.5 hours outside. That means, 70.5 hours inside!
Saturday was okay. It started with a birthday party at a nearby park. It was HOT! We spent about an hour at the party and then Josh started to get cranky and it was almost nap time, so we headed out. While the kids were sleeping, in rolled the rain. We were supposed to head out to a Crawfish boil, but everyone didn't wake up until 5pm and I didn't have the host's phone number, so I couldn't call to see if they were having it and if we should still come over.
Sunday brought more rain. Jason decided to take Josh to see Shrek 4. This was in the evening after a long day of the two kids playing/fighting/playing/napping/fighting/playing, you get the picture. Jason packed up the diaper bag with a sippy cup of juice and M&M's and they headed out. Well, Kaitlyn got all upset that they were leaving and not taking her, so her and I headed to Wal-Mart. We bought some Pull-Ups for Josh, socks for Kaitlyn and then Kaitlyn got her own potty chair! She's been taking her clothes off and wanting to sit on the potty chair that we already have, but if Josh is using it as a step stool for the BIG potty, then she can't use it, so it was just easier to buy her one of her own. We got it home and she played with it for about 30 minutes until it was bedtime. Josh and Jason got home and Jason was so proud of Josh, he sat through the whole movie!!! He said he started to get antsy the last 5 minutes and wanted to go home, but as soon as he stood up, he started watching the movie again and then sat down.
Monday was another rainy day. This time it was raining when we all got up, so that wasn't fun. Jason and Josh went to the comic book store mid morning while Kaitlyn took a nap. Jason bought Josh his first comic book(s). He bought him 3 and Josh was so proud of them when he got home. Kaitlyn woke up shortly after they got home and her and I went to Hobby Lobby to buy some material so I can make her a dress. She fell in love with the material when I showed it to her and she kept saying "Mine"! Then she would snuggle with it and say "Night night". After we paid for it we went to the grocery store to buy some hamburger meat to grill. The rain had stopped and Jason was able to grill. After dinner I took the kids out for a stroll around the block. Shortly after that it was bath time and bed time for Kaitlyn. Josh watched a movie after that and was off to bed.
It wasn't the worst weekend, but it wasn't the best. We made due with what we had and made the best of it.
Saturday was okay. It started with a birthday party at a nearby park. It was HOT! We spent about an hour at the party and then Josh started to get cranky and it was almost nap time, so we headed out. While the kids were sleeping, in rolled the rain. We were supposed to head out to a Crawfish boil, but everyone didn't wake up until 5pm and I didn't have the host's phone number, so I couldn't call to see if they were having it and if we should still come over.
Sunday brought more rain. Jason decided to take Josh to see Shrek 4. This was in the evening after a long day of the two kids playing/fighting/playing/napping/fighting/playing, you get the picture. Jason packed up the diaper bag with a sippy cup of juice and M&M's and they headed out. Well, Kaitlyn got all upset that they were leaving and not taking her, so her and I headed to Wal-Mart. We bought some Pull-Ups for Josh, socks for Kaitlyn and then Kaitlyn got her own potty chair! She's been taking her clothes off and wanting to sit on the potty chair that we already have, but if Josh is using it as a step stool for the BIG potty, then she can't use it, so it was just easier to buy her one of her own. We got it home and she played with it for about 30 minutes until it was bedtime. Josh and Jason got home and Jason was so proud of Josh, he sat through the whole movie!!! He said he started to get antsy the last 5 minutes and wanted to go home, but as soon as he stood up, he started watching the movie again and then sat down.
Monday was another rainy day. This time it was raining when we all got up, so that wasn't fun. Jason and Josh went to the comic book store mid morning while Kaitlyn took a nap. Jason bought Josh his first comic book(s). He bought him 3 and Josh was so proud of them when he got home. Kaitlyn woke up shortly after they got home and her and I went to Hobby Lobby to buy some material so I can make her a dress. She fell in love with the material when I showed it to her and she kept saying "Mine"! Then she would snuggle with it and say "Night night". After we paid for it we went to the grocery store to buy some hamburger meat to grill. The rain had stopped and Jason was able to grill. After dinner I took the kids out for a stroll around the block. Shortly after that it was bath time and bed time for Kaitlyn. Josh watched a movie after that and was off to bed.
It wasn't the worst weekend, but it wasn't the best. We made due with what we had and made the best of it.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The month of May
May is coming to a close and it's been pretty nice. Kaitlyn was seen by the new pediatrician and she had an ear infection and I thought it came back, so Jason took her back to see the doctor, but he thinks it was just teeth bothering her because her ears looked good. Josh stayed healthy all month!!!! We were all hit with allergies, but nothing a little benedryl couldn't help.
The big thing that we did this month was go to the Hangout Music festival. We stayed with some friends at a condo on the beach who have a 3 year old too. Friday the kids didn't take a nap, so it was interesting during the day with trying to get the car packed and over to the condo and then unpack. We made it to the concert around 330pm and the kids had so much fun! They played in the sand and ran around. We decided that we needed to bring the sand toys for the next day to give them something else to do. We got back to the condo around 10pm, got baths and then they both passed out. Josh and Jason went swimming the next morning and Kaitlyn got her feet wet, but she wasn't a fan of the pool. Kaitlyn and I went back up to the condo so she could nap and I laid down with her. Jason brought Josh up later and I guess they started to eat lunch and then Josh said he wanted to go take a nap. Jason took him upstairs and I guess he crawled into bed and went right to sleep. (This was a first!) We got to the festival around 330pm on Saturday and stayed until 930pm and got the kids back for baths. We woke up to rain the next morning and we decided to pack up and head back home. Around 6pm the sun came out and Jason found out they opened the festival back up and he really wanted to see some bands, so he headed back out. Thank goodness for the beach, because if it wasn't for the sand, I don't think it would have been a successful weekend.
We're trying really hard to break Josh of his whining habit. We're making progress, so that's very nice. He'll start to whine and then Jason will say, "What did we talk about? If you want something you have to ask and not cry about it." He'll cry for a second or two longer and then he'll ask for it and then we'll give it to him. We're also teaching him to say, "May I please be excused" when he's done with dinner. It comes out as "Please queses (spelling?) from the (mumble)". He's working on it though. We're also trying to stop him from being a bully and taking toys from other kids. We didn't realize he was doing this until we went to the Hangout music festival. We make sure if he takes a toy, we give it back to the kid and make him wait until that person is done before he gets it. This is a hard habit to break, but we'll get it down soon.
Kaitlyn's vocabulary is booming. She's been telling us what animals say, it's not 100% clear, but she's getting the sounds down (and the motion for a monkey). She's so proud of herself when she makes the sounds because she smiles and giggles when she make the sounds. Her newest word is "yellow". Her and daddy read books every night and he called me into her room last week and he said, "Kaitlyn, what color is this?" and she bellows out "Yellow"! It brought a tear to my eye. She's growing up so fast. She's also getting a little attitude on her. Well, I should say, it's becoming more prominent. She's getting her "No"s down and she'll cross her arms and give you a look. You don't mess around when she gives you that look! She still loves her oatmeal!!! You best not run out or else you're running to the store to buy her more.
Josh has been really interacting with Kaitlyn more this month. He's talking to her like a real person. They'll be in their car seats and Kaitlyn will say something and Josh will lean forward, look at her and say, "that's not Boomer, that's a doggie" (if she's looking at a dog, because every dog is Boomer). The other day Josh drank some of my chocolate milk and then he wanted some of his own. He told me "Mommy, I LOVE chocolate milk". He had some when he went to bed and then in the morning I made him some. Well, when Kaitlyn got up, she was walking down the hallway and Josh comes running over to her with his chocolate milk and and said "Baby, do you want some chocolate milk? Chocolate milk is tasty. Do you want some?" Then he looks at me and says "Baby wants some chocolate milk". Kaitlyn could have cared less about the chocolate milk, but I made her some and she drank it. Josh then asked her "Do you like chocolate milk"? It was the funniest sight to see him talking to her like that. It'll be more interesting once she starts talking back and they have an actual conversation.
That basically wraps up the month of May. We're heading to a birthday party and a Crawfish Boil tomorrow. Other than that, Memorial Day weekend should be quiet. Well, as quiet as it can get with a 3 year old and a 1 year old!
The big thing that we did this month was go to the Hangout Music festival. We stayed with some friends at a condo on the beach who have a 3 year old too. Friday the kids didn't take a nap, so it was interesting during the day with trying to get the car packed and over to the condo and then unpack. We made it to the concert around 330pm and the kids had so much fun! They played in the sand and ran around. We decided that we needed to bring the sand toys for the next day to give them something else to do. We got back to the condo around 10pm, got baths and then they both passed out. Josh and Jason went swimming the next morning and Kaitlyn got her feet wet, but she wasn't a fan of the pool. Kaitlyn and I went back up to the condo so she could nap and I laid down with her. Jason brought Josh up later and I guess they started to eat lunch and then Josh said he wanted to go take a nap. Jason took him upstairs and I guess he crawled into bed and went right to sleep. (This was a first!) We got to the festival around 330pm on Saturday and stayed until 930pm and got the kids back for baths. We woke up to rain the next morning and we decided to pack up and head back home. Around 6pm the sun came out and Jason found out they opened the festival back up and he really wanted to see some bands, so he headed back out. Thank goodness for the beach, because if it wasn't for the sand, I don't think it would have been a successful weekend.
We're trying really hard to break Josh of his whining habit. We're making progress, so that's very nice. He'll start to whine and then Jason will say, "What did we talk about? If you want something you have to ask and not cry about it." He'll cry for a second or two longer and then he'll ask for it and then we'll give it to him. We're also teaching him to say, "May I please be excused" when he's done with dinner. It comes out as "Please queses (spelling?) from the (mumble)". He's working on it though. We're also trying to stop him from being a bully and taking toys from other kids. We didn't realize he was doing this until we went to the Hangout music festival. We make sure if he takes a toy, we give it back to the kid and make him wait until that person is done before he gets it. This is a hard habit to break, but we'll get it down soon.
Kaitlyn's vocabulary is booming. She's been telling us what animals say, it's not 100% clear, but she's getting the sounds down (and the motion for a monkey). She's so proud of herself when she makes the sounds because she smiles and giggles when she make the sounds. Her newest word is "yellow". Her and daddy read books every night and he called me into her room last week and he said, "Kaitlyn, what color is this?" and she bellows out "Yellow"! It brought a tear to my eye. She's growing up so fast. She's also getting a little attitude on her. Well, I should say, it's becoming more prominent. She's getting her "No"s down and she'll cross her arms and give you a look. You don't mess around when she gives you that look! She still loves her oatmeal!!! You best not run out or else you're running to the store to buy her more.
Josh has been really interacting with Kaitlyn more this month. He's talking to her like a real person. They'll be in their car seats and Kaitlyn will say something and Josh will lean forward, look at her and say, "that's not Boomer, that's a doggie" (if she's looking at a dog, because every dog is Boomer). The other day Josh drank some of my chocolate milk and then he wanted some of his own. He told me "Mommy, I LOVE chocolate milk". He had some when he went to bed and then in the morning I made him some. Well, when Kaitlyn got up, she was walking down the hallway and Josh comes running over to her with his chocolate milk and and said "Baby, do you want some chocolate milk? Chocolate milk is tasty. Do you want some?" Then he looks at me and says "Baby wants some chocolate milk". Kaitlyn could have cared less about the chocolate milk, but I made her some and she drank it. Josh then asked her "Do you like chocolate milk"? It was the funniest sight to see him talking to her like that. It'll be more interesting once she starts talking back and they have an actual conversation.
That basically wraps up the month of May. We're heading to a birthday party and a Crawfish Boil tomorrow. Other than that, Memorial Day weekend should be quiet. Well, as quiet as it can get with a 3 year old and a 1 year old!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Check ups
I took both kids to the doctor yesterday for their check-ups. Josh for his 3 year and Kaitlyn for her 18 month (I know, she's 19 months). Josh is 36 inches tall and 26 pounds. Kaitlyn is 31 inches tall and 20.7 pounds. Both are in the 25th percentile for height and 5th for weight. Josh decided to play shy when the doctor started talking to him, but Kaitlyn was her bubbly self. They each ended up getting 1 shot each and cried their little heads off, but they got a lollipop afterwards.
I've decided Kaitlyn needs to learn how to put herself back to sleep. Yes, I know, she's a lot older than Josh was when we let him cry himself back to sleep. I let her cry last night for about 15 minutes and she went back to sleep. She decided it wasn't worth it to keep crying and went back to sleep.
I've decided Kaitlyn needs to learn how to put herself back to sleep. Yes, I know, she's a lot older than Josh was when we let him cry himself back to sleep. I let her cry last night for about 15 minutes and she went back to sleep. She decided it wasn't worth it to keep crying and went back to sleep.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Swing set
So today begins the assembly of the new swing set. Nana and Granddad bought Josh and Kaitlyn a swing set! We were talking about it last year, but we just didn't have the money to buy it. Monday Jason was talking to his parents and they said they wanted to buy the kids the swing set for Josh's birthday. I was shocked but very thankful. So they went out yesterday and bought it and brought it over to the house last night. The only problem was the guy at Toys R Us said it would take 3 days to assemble. I know Judy and Charlie were going to try and put it together and have it all ready for when the kids came home tonight.
I told Judy the other night that I will have such a hard time getting Josh to come inside at night now. It's going to be dark out and he's going to want to keep sliding! That will be good that they'll be outside so much and not inside. Maybe I'll be able to get the house organized?!?!?
I told Judy the other night that I will have such a hard time getting Josh to come inside at night now. It's going to be dark out and he's going to want to keep sliding! That will be good that they'll be outside so much and not inside. Maybe I'll be able to get the house organized?!?!?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
April Fools
I'm happy to see April has finally arrived. March brought nothing but illness to our house, so I'm very happy to see it gone.
Everything started back on Valentine's Day. I know, that was February, but the majority of stuff happened in March.
I think the last I posted was when we took Josh to the ER for his hernia. We found out that night it was a hernia and we got an appointment with a pediatric surgeon for the first week of March.
Well, the last weekend of February we took him back to the ER for his hernia and they admitted us with a surgery scheduled in a day or two. After seeing the surgeon on Sunday morning, the 28th, she told us the earliest she would do the surgery was that Friday. We were outraged that it would be that long. We couldn't understand why they would send us home if we were still having problems with the hernia. On Monday, the 29th, we saw Dr. Page and see told us Josh had an ear infection and put him on a strong antibotic and talked to the surgeon. She told us the reason why surgery was put off until Friday was so Josh could get over the ear infection. This made no sense to us, but we finally decided to wait.
Friday, March 5th, Josh had his surgery. Everything went well and there was only the 1 hernia on the right side. We brought him home after an hour and half in recovery and he slept the day away. Thankfully we got the Tylenol 3 filled for him because he was still complaining of pain for 2 weeks after the surgery. When we saw the surgeon at his post-op appointment she said everything looked good, but he may have pain for awhile during the healing process inside. She said if he's rough houses or is active for a long period he may have some pain.
During that week, I came down with something horrible. I must have picked something up at the hospital while we were there. My fever spiked to 103F and I went to the doctor the following day to get some medicine. I had to go back the following week for a second antibotic since the first didn't completely get rid of whatever it was I had.
Jason ended up having hernia surgery on the 18th of March. He went in with 1 hernia and came out with 2 repaired. The doctor was surprised that he had one on the left side and that it was larger than the right one, but his pain was all on the rightside. He took a few days off of work, but went back the following Monday. He was still in considerable pain that following week, but he's now almost back to himself.
Kaitlyn came down with an ear infection the week after Jason's surgery. I had to pick her up early on the 22nd, my birthday and I kept her home the next day to help get rid of the fever. Josh came down with a fever on the 23rd and so the 3 of us stayed home and hung out. Kaitlyn went back to school on the 24th, but Josh got to stay home with mommy. When I took him back to school on the 25th he cried. He wanted to stay home with mommy. He didn't understand that mommy doesn't go home after I drop him off at school. I wish I could go home on some days, but no, I go to work.
We finally got everyone back to normal for the last week of March!
During the month Kaitlyn has become more independent (could she get more independent?). She had her first tantrum, which broke my heart, but learned to give real kisses.
Her first tantrum was over taking off her jammie shirt. I was trying to get her changed for school in the morning and she didn't want to take off her shirt. I was able to get her pants on her, but when it came to the shirt...she did not want to take it off. I finally got it off of her, amist tears and screams, and then she plopped down on her bottom and flung herself over and laid down, face down, and cried. I just sat next to her and rubbed her back and told her mommy loved her and I would be there when she was finished. This happened for 3 days in a row, but now it's just random and more for when she's frustrated because we don't understand what she wants. She had a tantrum the other day because I didn't give her the right cereal and then, for heavens sake, I tried to hand her a sippy cup too. She has decided she likes to drink out of "big" girl cups. We'll give her a little drink at dinner time in a "big" girl cup and she does pretty well with it. Every once in awhile some drink will dribble down her chin, but 98% of the drink goes in her mouth and down the hatch!
Also, Kaitlyn has learned to give real kisses. She will pucker her lips and lean in to give you a kiss if you ask for it. She was never really one for the one mouth kiss, she did a few times, but she's very stingy on her kisses. She's actually pretty stingy on being affectionate, to my dismay. I love to snuggle with my kids, but she doesn't want anything to do with being affectionate.
Josh has continued being a wild 2 year old! He goes, goes, goes!!!!! We have moved his bedtime to 830pm now vs. 8pm and this seems to make bedtime easier. He LOVES to snuggle and actually, yesterday morning he got up, came out to the living room and climbed onto my lap and said he wanted to stay home and snuggle with mommy. Of course I was ready to say YES! but I knew the snuggling would last a whole 2 minutes and then it would be time to wrestle. This boy loves to wrestle!!!! He was very unhappy when he couldn't wrestle the first few days after surgery and also the week after Jason had his surgery. Mommy had to take over the wrestling department. It's pretty safe to say Josh is happy daddy can wrestle again. He has asked me once to wrestle with him since daddy said he felt better.
Josh is also super excited about his birthday coming up. He started getting excited the day before my birthday, when he sang Happy Birthday to me! All he talks about now is his birthday. When you ask him what kind of cake he wants he'll go between Wolverine and Spiderman! One time he told me he wanted 2 cakes for his birthday. I informed him he will get 1 cake and it will be Spiderman, did this make any inpact? No, he said the next day he was going to have a Wolverine cake. Both Jason and I know he will go CRAZY once he sees his Spiderman birthday cake. I just hope it turns out as well as I'm hoping it does. If it looks like anything like it does in my mind, he was love it!
So that wraps up March. Like I said in the beginning, I'm glad the month is over. Now let's hope April brings better weather and better health!
Everything started back on Valentine's Day. I know, that was February, but the majority of stuff happened in March.
I think the last I posted was when we took Josh to the ER for his hernia. We found out that night it was a hernia and we got an appointment with a pediatric surgeon for the first week of March.
Well, the last weekend of February we took him back to the ER for his hernia and they admitted us with a surgery scheduled in a day or two. After seeing the surgeon on Sunday morning, the 28th, she told us the earliest she would do the surgery was that Friday. We were outraged that it would be that long. We couldn't understand why they would send us home if we were still having problems with the hernia. On Monday, the 29th, we saw Dr. Page and see told us Josh had an ear infection and put him on a strong antibotic and talked to the surgeon. She told us the reason why surgery was put off until Friday was so Josh could get over the ear infection. This made no sense to us, but we finally decided to wait.
Friday, March 5th, Josh had his surgery. Everything went well and there was only the 1 hernia on the right side. We brought him home after an hour and half in recovery and he slept the day away. Thankfully we got the Tylenol 3 filled for him because he was still complaining of pain for 2 weeks after the surgery. When we saw the surgeon at his post-op appointment she said everything looked good, but he may have pain for awhile during the healing process inside. She said if he's rough houses or is active for a long period he may have some pain.
During that week, I came down with something horrible. I must have picked something up at the hospital while we were there. My fever spiked to 103F and I went to the doctor the following day to get some medicine. I had to go back the following week for a second antibotic since the first didn't completely get rid of whatever it was I had.
Jason ended up having hernia surgery on the 18th of March. He went in with 1 hernia and came out with 2 repaired. The doctor was surprised that he had one on the left side and that it was larger than the right one, but his pain was all on the rightside. He took a few days off of work, but went back the following Monday. He was still in considerable pain that following week, but he's now almost back to himself.
Kaitlyn came down with an ear infection the week after Jason's surgery. I had to pick her up early on the 22nd, my birthday and I kept her home the next day to help get rid of the fever. Josh came down with a fever on the 23rd and so the 3 of us stayed home and hung out. Kaitlyn went back to school on the 24th, but Josh got to stay home with mommy. When I took him back to school on the 25th he cried. He wanted to stay home with mommy. He didn't understand that mommy doesn't go home after I drop him off at school. I wish I could go home on some days, but no, I go to work.
We finally got everyone back to normal for the last week of March!
During the month Kaitlyn has become more independent (could she get more independent?). She had her first tantrum, which broke my heart, but learned to give real kisses.
Her first tantrum was over taking off her jammie shirt. I was trying to get her changed for school in the morning and she didn't want to take off her shirt. I was able to get her pants on her, but when it came to the shirt...she did not want to take it off. I finally got it off of her, amist tears and screams, and then she plopped down on her bottom and flung herself over and laid down, face down, and cried. I just sat next to her and rubbed her back and told her mommy loved her and I would be there when she was finished. This happened for 3 days in a row, but now it's just random and more for when she's frustrated because we don't understand what she wants. She had a tantrum the other day because I didn't give her the right cereal and then, for heavens sake, I tried to hand her a sippy cup too. She has decided she likes to drink out of "big" girl cups. We'll give her a little drink at dinner time in a "big" girl cup and she does pretty well with it. Every once in awhile some drink will dribble down her chin, but 98% of the drink goes in her mouth and down the hatch!
Also, Kaitlyn has learned to give real kisses. She will pucker her lips and lean in to give you a kiss if you ask for it. She was never really one for the one mouth kiss, she did a few times, but she's very stingy on her kisses. She's actually pretty stingy on being affectionate, to my dismay. I love to snuggle with my kids, but she doesn't want anything to do with being affectionate.
Josh has continued being a wild 2 year old! He goes, goes, goes!!!!! We have moved his bedtime to 830pm now vs. 8pm and this seems to make bedtime easier. He LOVES to snuggle and actually, yesterday morning he got up, came out to the living room and climbed onto my lap and said he wanted to stay home and snuggle with mommy. Of course I was ready to say YES! but I knew the snuggling would last a whole 2 minutes and then it would be time to wrestle. This boy loves to wrestle!!!! He was very unhappy when he couldn't wrestle the first few days after surgery and also the week after Jason had his surgery. Mommy had to take over the wrestling department. It's pretty safe to say Josh is happy daddy can wrestle again. He has asked me once to wrestle with him since daddy said he felt better.
Josh is also super excited about his birthday coming up. He started getting excited the day before my birthday, when he sang Happy Birthday to me! All he talks about now is his birthday. When you ask him what kind of cake he wants he'll go between Wolverine and Spiderman! One time he told me he wanted 2 cakes for his birthday. I informed him he will get 1 cake and it will be Spiderman, did this make any inpact? No, he said the next day he was going to have a Wolverine cake. Both Jason and I know he will go CRAZY once he sees his Spiderman birthday cake. I just hope it turns out as well as I'm hoping it does. If it looks like anything like it does in my mind, he was love it!
So that wraps up March. Like I said in the beginning, I'm glad the month is over. Now let's hope April brings better weather and better health!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
So I've given up Facebook for Lent. I've decided to go back to the "Old School" way of doing things, calling people on the phone. Is it really necessary for everyone to know that I'm bored or sick or tired or happy or anything else at all hours of the day? No. Or what I should ask, does anyone really care that I'm one of the above? Probably not. The only time someone really cares is if I post about the kids. At this point I should know to call the people that are most important to me and tell them what's going on. I think I do a pretty good job at doing that, but this "vacation" will get me back to talking to people more often.
On that note, I'll catch you up on the kids...
Kaitlyn's feeling much better after her double ear infection. She's still getting teeth and boy does she know how to get teeth. I don't remember her getting just one tooth. It was always multiples. This time it's all her molars. Thankfully I think they've almost all broken though because she's not as cranky and fussy as she had been. That doesn't mean she's still full of hugs and kisses, but more than a few weeks ago.
Speaking of hugs and kisses, she's learned where her nose is!!!! I showed her this weekend and it only took about 4 times to point to her nose for her to pick up on it. You ask her now where her nose is and she points to it and sniffs.
Now for an update on Joshy. The poor little fellow....has a hernia. We found this out on Valentines' Day. He went down for a nap and when both kids got up we went for haircuts. Him and daddy got their hair cut and when we were done Josh wanted to go to Target. We headed over there since we were out and were walking around when Josh bent over and said, Mommy it hurts. Jason asked if he had to go potty. Josh said yes, so I picked him up and head to the bathroom. He tried going, but just told me it hurt. So we went out and found Daddy and Baby and got in the car. We decided to pick up french fries for dinner and when we got home I put Josh in his booster seat and he just wailed with pain and screaming that he hurt. I told Jason we had to go to the docto and I went to look for the phone number for Urgent Care. Jason found the number while Kaitlyn ate and I got clothes for her to get changed into. We got the kids packed up and in the car and headed to Urgent Care down the road. When we got there Josh started acting fine. We got called back and when the doctor came in he said to undo Josh's diaper. Once I did that the doctor took 1 look and said, "You need to take him to the ER right now"! He said there was a possiblity that the testicle was twisted and that they would do an emergency ultrasound to figure it out.
We packed the kids up and headed to the ER. Granddad and Nana met us there and took Kaitlyn back to their place since it was past her bedtime and we weren't sure what was going on or how long we would be at the hospital. We got called back to the nurses station about an hour after we got there and the nurse went and told the doctor what was going on and they got us back right away. The doctor came in and took a look and decided it was a hernia. He was able to pop everything back into place, but not before Josh was crying that it hurt and not to touch it. Once the doctor got it back into place, Josh said, "My boo boo doesn't hurt anymore". We went home shortly after that.
Josh now has an appointment with the surgeon for March 8th. He needs to have surgery to get it repaired.
So that's how we spent Valentines' Day.
On that note, I'll catch you up on the kids...
Kaitlyn's feeling much better after her double ear infection. She's still getting teeth and boy does she know how to get teeth. I don't remember her getting just one tooth. It was always multiples. This time it's all her molars. Thankfully I think they've almost all broken though because she's not as cranky and fussy as she had been. That doesn't mean she's still full of hugs and kisses, but more than a few weeks ago.
Speaking of hugs and kisses, she's learned where her nose is!!!! I showed her this weekend and it only took about 4 times to point to her nose for her to pick up on it. You ask her now where her nose is and she points to it and sniffs.
Now for an update on Joshy. The poor little fellow....has a hernia. We found this out on Valentines' Day. He went down for a nap and when both kids got up we went for haircuts. Him and daddy got their hair cut and when we were done Josh wanted to go to Target. We headed over there since we were out and were walking around when Josh bent over and said, Mommy it hurts. Jason asked if he had to go potty. Josh said yes, so I picked him up and head to the bathroom. He tried going, but just told me it hurt. So we went out and found Daddy and Baby and got in the car. We decided to pick up french fries for dinner and when we got home I put Josh in his booster seat and he just wailed with pain and screaming that he hurt. I told Jason we had to go to the docto and I went to look for the phone number for Urgent Care. Jason found the number while Kaitlyn ate and I got clothes for her to get changed into. We got the kids packed up and in the car and headed to Urgent Care down the road. When we got there Josh started acting fine. We got called back and when the doctor came in he said to undo Josh's diaper. Once I did that the doctor took 1 look and said, "You need to take him to the ER right now"! He said there was a possiblity that the testicle was twisted and that they would do an emergency ultrasound to figure it out.
We packed the kids up and headed to the ER. Granddad and Nana met us there and took Kaitlyn back to their place since it was past her bedtime and we weren't sure what was going on or how long we would be at the hospital. We got called back to the nurses station about an hour after we got there and the nurse went and told the doctor what was going on and they got us back right away. The doctor came in and took a look and decided it was a hernia. He was able to pop everything back into place, but not before Josh was crying that it hurt and not to touch it. Once the doctor got it back into place, Josh said, "My boo boo doesn't hurt anymore". We went home shortly after that.
Josh now has an appointment with the surgeon for March 8th. He needs to have surgery to get it repaired.
So that's how we spent Valentines' Day.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Where are my patience?
This weekend was a pretty good one until 3pm today. I don't know where my patience went, but I didn't have any. Jason told me to go lay down and take a nap while the kids were asleep and I did. I wasn't too tired, but I thought I would since I'd been busy all weekend cleaning and doing laundry. Kaitlyn got up and was okay. Jason went and woke Josh up around 330pm. We were all supposed to go to Wal-Mart together, but Jason fell asleep. I took the kids to the store and when we got back.. WHOA! I don't know if they were too hungry, too sleepy, or too thirsty. All they did was cry and fight with each other. We finally got dinner on the table, but neither kid wanted chicken and French Fries.
Off to the bathtub they went with daddy. They got in and I went to go get jammies and diapers. The next thing I know Jason was screaming for me to come back to the bathroom. I ran over there to find out Kaitlyn went poop in the tub. Out the kids came and I took them to their tub to finish up.
I tried to get Kaitlyn to bed, but she doesn't like when I put her down. It was after 7pm when Jason finally got her to sleep. He's putting Josh to bed tonight while I finish up the cleaning.
To top it off, the stupid Dish isn't working and I keep getting an error message.
Off to the bathtub they went with daddy. They got in and I went to go get jammies and diapers. The next thing I know Jason was screaming for me to come back to the bathroom. I ran over there to find out Kaitlyn went poop in the tub. Out the kids came and I took them to their tub to finish up.
I tried to get Kaitlyn to bed, but she doesn't like when I put her down. It was after 7pm when Jason finally got her to sleep. He's putting Josh to bed tonight while I finish up the cleaning.
To top it off, the stupid Dish isn't working and I keep getting an error message.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Year
Christmas was a blast this year! Josh was old enough to realize what was going on. As soon as he started seeing Christmas lights, it was allllll over! He still points out Christmas lights when he sees them. He went crazy when we put up the tree this year and had to help plug in the lights every night. We also put lights up on top of the cupboards in the kitchen and on the plant shelf in the dining room and he had to turn those lights on nightly too. Kaitlyn played with the tree and the ornaments for the first 2 days then she was over it.
Santa brought Josh a Jeep and he LOVES it! Unfortunately it's been really cold this winter, so he hasn't been able to ride it too much. He loved opening presents and thought he should open all of them. Kaitlyn had no interest in opening presents, so we let Josh open hers too. We did learn a lesson this year. Don't wait until 5pm on Christmas Eve to ask what Santa is going to be bringing. Josh said Santa was bringing him Spiderman, so Jason had to go out and find Spiderman stuff for Santa. He bought a bedspread and a ball. This was great with Josh; he loves his bedspread.
New Years' Eve weekend brought 2 sick kids. I had to take Kaitlyn to Urgent Care on Wednesday and come to find out she had an ear infection. They wouldn't let her back to school, so she went to work with me the following day. She had a lot of fun. She made herself at home and visited everyone that was there. She ran to Mr. Clarke with her arms out and then laughed the whole time he played with her. They both got better by Sunday which was really nice.
They both went back to school yesterday and Josh kept asking for Ms. Amber all weekend, so he was happy to see her yesterday. Kaitlyn still could care less. She's happy where ever she is.
Santa brought Josh a Jeep and he LOVES it! Unfortunately it's been really cold this winter, so he hasn't been able to ride it too much. He loved opening presents and thought he should open all of them. Kaitlyn had no interest in opening presents, so we let Josh open hers too. We did learn a lesson this year. Don't wait until 5pm on Christmas Eve to ask what Santa is going to be bringing. Josh said Santa was bringing him Spiderman, so Jason had to go out and find Spiderman stuff for Santa. He bought a bedspread and a ball. This was great with Josh; he loves his bedspread.
New Years' Eve weekend brought 2 sick kids. I had to take Kaitlyn to Urgent Care on Wednesday and come to find out she had an ear infection. They wouldn't let her back to school, so she went to work with me the following day. She had a lot of fun. She made herself at home and visited everyone that was there. She ran to Mr. Clarke with her arms out and then laughed the whole time he played with her. They both got better by Sunday which was really nice.
They both went back to school yesterday and Josh kept asking for Ms. Amber all weekend, so he was happy to see her yesterday. Kaitlyn still could care less. She's happy where ever she is.
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